
The Pines is conveniently located on 96th street between Allisonville and Interstate 69 in Fishers, Indiana. We developed this website to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.
Property Manager
Cindy Armour
Armour Property Management
31 E Main Street #300 Carmel, IN 46032
Phone 317-706-1706

Stay Informed


Please register so we can send you crime watch updates and other important announcements.

Verizon 5G Deployment 
Verizon Wireless will be constructing the approved 5G small cell structure located at 9849 Pine Ridge North Drive within the next week in The Pines. Contractors will be placing the foundation and connecting the structure to the existing underground fiber and utilities. The construction should not take longer than three weeks dependent on weather. The City of Fishers inspection team will ensure the rights-of-ways are repaired properly after construction is complete. To learn more about 5G visit fishers.in.us/5G.

Neighborhood News

Quarterly Board Meetings
Residents are welcome at the Quarterly Board Meetings!
They are held second tuesday of the first month of each quarter at 7PM 
If you are interested in attending a board meeting please RSVP via email to cindy@armourproperty.com 
Locate is TBD and will be provided at the time of your RSVP.
Snow and Ice
The Department of Public Works is responsible for providing snow and ice control for all dedicated streets within city limits.  The primary objective is to provide for the safe and orderly movement of traffic.  Public Works staff work year-round to prepare and plan for each winter season.  When a snow or ice event is forecast, city personnel is mobilized.  Intense storms require a 24-hour response and crews are assigned to 12-hour shifts for the duration of the storm and until the streets are accessible. 
Additional information regarding the Snow and Ice Control Plan for the Department of Public Works can be found here.


Trim Those Trees
Many of your neighbors enjoy walking around the neighborhood.  If you have trees that hang over the sidewalks, please trim them back so people can walk under them.

Trash/Debris Removal

All trash should be in heavy plastic tied bags. If trash cans are used, they must be returned to their storage area by the evening pickā€up date. Your trash should not be left out for more than a day before pick up.  All trash containers must be kept out of sight from the street.  Inside garages or behind at least a four (4) foot  privacy fence are acceptable storage sites.

Handling Complaints
Do you have animal, noise, parking or abandoned vehicle complaints? Find out what Fishers Finest can do for you. Non-emergency dispatch 773-1282.


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