Crime Watch
Fishers Non-Emergency Requests: 317-773-1282
Fishers Police Brochures:
While the Police Department cannot guarantee that your home will not be burglarized or vandalized while you are gone, providing this information will allow members of the police department to make checks on the exterior of your home.
Home Safety Tips
Install exterior lights at all entrances. Consider motion detector lights.
Install a wide-angle viewer on all exterior doors.
Check who is at the door and do not open the door to anyone you don’t know.
Install good locks on all doors and windows. Use those locks!
Be sure locks on doors and windows can be opened quickly in case of fire.
Leave a light on when you are not home. If you are on vacation, use a timer to control lighting.
Don’t hide keys outside.
Remove house keys from your keychain when your car is serviced.
Talk with trusted neighbors. Keep an eye on their house and ask them to watch yours.
Stop mail and newspaper delivery when you are away.
Install an alarm system that will detect entry and notify police.
Have your lawn mowed and snow shoveled when away.
Close garage doors at night.
Keep trees and bushes trimmed. Do not let plants block doors and windows.
Suspicious Activity
An event that is out of the ordinary or that makes you feel uncomfortable could be a crime in progress.
Adults or juveniles walking casually through the neighborhood looking into windows, backyards, vehicles, etc.
A vehicle driving slowly through your neighborhood with or without lights on.
Something wakes you in the night.
Someone you don’t know rings your doorbell.
An unknown car parked near your home containing one or more people.
If something is suspicious to you, Call the Police!
Fishers Police Chief George Kehl is convinced that having a strong partnership with the police department and your neighbors will give the Fishers community its best chance in deterring and detecting criminal activity. If your neighborhood is not an active member of the Fishers Neighborhood Crime Watch Program we encourage you to call Sergeant Tom Weger, at 317-595-3308, for more information.
As always if you see or hear something suspicious please call 911 immediately
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Crime Watch Areas
Please consider being a resource for your neighbors- it takes no time at all to get to know each other and report suspicious activity. You can receive the latest press releases via email from Sgt. Gerry Hepp from the Fishers Police Department regarding what is going on in our city.